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Next Generation Learning

Personalizing teaching and learning experiences.

Public schools are evolving to ensure today’s students are prepared to succeed after they graduate from high school. CEI’s Next Generation Learning initiative works with schools to provide students not only with a solid foundation in math, reading, and other academic subjects, but also the professional and entrepreneurial skills that are just as critical for success in the workforce and in life. These include skills like managing time, collaborating with others, taking risks, learning from failure, and making decisions that contribute to our community.

Next Generation Learning

Sean Wybrant

“We need to figure out from our kids what they need and want. We often make decisions that are removed from what kids want. I talked to girls who weren’t in my computer science classes to find out what they saw as barriers to getting involved.”
Sean Wybrant, Teacher   |  Palmer High School, Colorado Springs


CEI, the Colorado Department of Education, and three Colorado school districts are participating in a new initiative launched by Next Generation Learning Challenges. Adams County School District 50, Colorado Springs District 11, and Thompson School District each selected two schools to design next generation learning models that align with Colorado’s new graduation guidelines. These models emphasize educational equity, personalized learning, students progressing at their own pace, safe and healthy environments, and better use of time and technology in learning and teaching.

In 2014, CEI worked with seven schools and three districts as part of the TIME Collaborative, providing technical assistance and coaching to help those schools redesign the school day.

2014 Highlights